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Energy Monitoring Services using IoT to track energy consumption in real-time towards strategic consumption and savings

FountLab Solutions offers a range of energy monitoring services to help businesses track and optimize their energy usage. Using the Internet of Things(IoT), Big Data and Machine Learning, we harness the power of the cloud and pack it into smart devices & software that make commercial buildings more intelligent & energy efficient.

Our energy monitoring services use advanced IoT devices and software to track energy consumption in real-time. This data is then used to identify areas of energy waste and to develop strategies to reduce consumption and save costs. IoT devices allow for the collection and analysis of data on energy usage patterns. Mod gates, are used to control I/O operations. The combination of IoT and mod gates can lead to substantial energy savings, lower operating costs, and reduced carbon footprint. 


  • Real-time data allows businesses to quickly respond to change
  • Customized reporting on energy usage, including real-time vs historical trends
  • Integration with other business systems, including building automation systems, to provide a comprehensive view of energy usage.


  • By identifying areas of energy waste and implementing strategies to reduce consumption, businesses can save on their energy bills and improve their bottom line
  • Reduced carbon footprint, and meeting sustainability goals.
  • Better decision-making via real-time energy data, lead to more efficient usage of lights, heating and cooling systems
  • Customized solutions for specific needs of each business

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